7 Skincare Icks You Need To Leave Behind In 2024
There’s a lot of talk about trends that we’re all jumping on for the year ahead, but what about things like skincare icks that need to stay behind in 2023?
When it comes to taking care of our skin, let’s say goodbye to the worst of the worst and explore 7 skincare icks that are SO last year.
7 skincare icks to avoid in 2024
Some skincare products and habits are Holy Grails; they work wonders for your complexion and you find yourself buying every bottle in sight to ensure you don’t run out. But some should be confined to the past and forgotten, brushed under the proverbial rug… Skincare icks, if you will. Let’s explores 7 skincare icks, and why you should leave them in 2023.
Are people still using wipes to remove makeup and ‘cleanse’ their skin in the 2020s? Apparently so – given they’re still on the shelves. Not only does using wipes leave behind daily grime rather than removing it, but they also deposit cleansing agents – these can be too strong for sensitive skin to tolerate for a long time. This can lead to breakouts and irritation over time – so ditch the wipes.
Sleeping in makeup
Again, do people still do this? We’ve all been too tired after a long day at work or a night out, but forgetting to take your makeup off before bed is absolutely an ick to leave behind in 2023. It can clog your pores, cause inflammation, dull the skin, and lead to more wrinkles. In other words, it’s a complete no-no.
Touching and picking
If you absent-mindedly lean on your hand during work or pop the occasional pimple, you may be doing more harm than good. Touching your face, particularly with unclean hands, can spread dirt, oil, and bacteria to your face, which can lead to clogged pores and breakouts. And as far as pimples go, popping can lead to permanent scarring.
Exfoliating incorrectly
Exfoliating can be an absolute game-changer to your skincare routine, but only when it’s implemented properly. Whether you choose to exfoliate physically – such as with scrubs – or use a chemical exfoliant, be sure to follow some golden rules. Firstly, always use SPF during the day afterwards, and secondly, never exfoliate every day. Finally, always do a thorough check of ingredients, as some exfoliants contain ingredients that cause micro tears in the skin.
Not using SPF
Long gone are the days when tanning was fashionable – now we’re more aware of the impact of sun damage on our skin – but still not everyone realises the benefits of wearing sunscreen. It’s not only a holiday must-have; dermatologists recommend SPF be worn at least every day. Simple daily wearing at least factor 30 sunscreen can help protect against hyperpigmentation and photoaging – so don’t skip this step.
Nose strips
A staple product in many 90s skincare routines, nose strips were the method of choice for removing blackheads and clearing pores, but they can do more harm than good. The adhesive itself can cause skin irritation such as flakiness and redness, while the act of removal can cause micro tears and scarring, or even broken capillaries. Leave noise strips behind in 2023 and opt instead for a specialist cleanser or mask.
DIY skincare concoctions
While we all enjoy a good life hack, DIY skincare lotions and potions are the last on this list to forego in 2024. Homemade concoctions are never as good as their commercial counterparts, and can even lead to permanent skin damage. As an example, certain ingredients that act as exfoliants can lead to tears, and the final mixture won’t contain preservatives, which can lead to breakouts. Good skincare doesn’t have to cost the earth; spend time researching and crafting the perfect routine that suits you.